From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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Grid areas

Grid areas

- [Narrator] If you thought named lines were useful, you're going to love grid areas. If you ask me, grid areas may be the most important feature of the CSS grid specification. And once you see how it works, I think you'll agree. Here's the elevator pitch. Using the grid template area property on the grid container, grid areas allow us to define rectangular areas spanning one or more cells within the grid, and give them names. Then we can use those names to place items within the grid using the grid area property on grid items. In other words, we turn the grid into a map, and place items on that map, which opens the door to all sorts of cool stuff. Let me show you how this works. In the exercise files for this movie, I've taken out all the stuff that we added in in the previous movies, and just simplified down to the standard grid we had before, and just these rules with nothing in them. As a result, our grid is back to the way it was before, where the items are autoplaced, and…
