From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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Define a grid

Define a grid

- [Instructor] This chapter is dedicated to introducing you to the inner workings of CSS Grid. For that purpose, I've created this prototype web document you see in my browser right now. It has a series of containers, with different background colors, and some basic text content. And each container is tagged with a class name so it's easy to identify what container we're currently working with. You'll find this prototype in the exercise files for this movie, and to follow along, open the exercise files in your preferred code editor. I'm using Atom, with the atom-live-server package running, and boot up index.html in Firefox. Why Firefox, you ask? Well, right now, Firefox is the browser with the best developer tools for CSS Grid. You'll see what I mean as we move forward. This is all brand new stuff, so I'm actually recording this in a beta version of Firefox called Firefox Nightly, that's why you see there's a dark banner here at the top. But by the time you watch this course, the…
