From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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- [Morten] By watching this course, you know have a solid understanding of the main parts of the CSS Grid layout module and with this knowledge, you're ready to start exploring CSS Grid and how it changes pretty much everything we know about web layouts. What you've seen in this course, barely scratches the surface of what is possible with CSS Grid and I encourage you to take what you've learned here and apply it to new advanced layouts and see just how far you can push yourself and your designs. CSS Grid is still brand new technology and everyone is getting used to the new reality that we now have a proper native grid to work with in browsers. New resources with information, documentation and examples are coming online every day and to get you started on your journey, here are some of the resources I've used to prepare for this course. First off, Rachel Andrew's Grid by Example is pretty much doctrine where CSS Grid is concerned. Rachel Andrew was one of the early proponents of CSS…
