From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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Check for grid support

Check for grid support

- [Instructor] The very first thing we need to do is make sure the browser actually supports CSS grid before we ask it to use CSS grid for our layouts. I'll do that all the way at the bottom of style, main.CSS. You'll find here there's already a common that sets up CSS grid layout for modern browsers. And inside the section I want to use a feature query to ask the browser, "Hey, do you support CSS grid? If so, run this code, otherwise, just ignore everything." It looks like this, at supports. And then we specify what we are looking for, and in this case I want to test for grid area auto. Now if you look on the internet, you'll find a lot of people recommend testing for display colon grid. The problem with that is some older browsers actually have legacy support for the old version of CSS grid, so they'll answer true to that question even though they don't support the current modern spec. As a result, things that you add in that you think should work, might not work in these older…
