From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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Accessibility first

Accessibility first

[Instructor] As with any other web technology our primary concern when using CSS Grid is accessibility. And the great news is CSS Grid makes building accessible websites easier. Because CSS Grid separates the visual presentation of content from their HTML markup order, we no longer have to make compromises about our HTML structure to create compelling layouts and designs. And, because CSS Grid gives us a proper two-dimensional grid to work with, we no longer have to create complex container nesting setups just to get one item to appear next to another item, which makes our markup cleaner, simpler and more accessible. Working with CSS Grid, I have a simple mantra. And I think it's so important that I've created a printout. In the exercise files you should actually print out and stick on your wall right behind your monitor. It goes like this. Number one, make it accessible. Number two, make it fancy. And number three, make sure the fancy doesn't break accessibility. This goes for all…
