From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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A new approach to backward compatibility

A new approach to backward compatibility - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

A new approach to backward compatibility

- [Instructor] CSS Grid is cutting edge technology and though browser support is there for modern browsers, it is non existent for older browsers. This is a classic blocker for any new web technology. If it doesn't work everywhere, designers and developers are reluctant to use it anywhere. I want to change that. Here's the thing, this notion that a website must look the same across all browsers is a falsehood. We've been deliberately making websites that don't look the same across all browsers since 2010. In fact, we pride ourselves on doing this. It's called responsive web design. We build websites that show all the content in the best possible way based on the available view port area. This should also apply to new technologies. I know what I'm about to say may sound a bit extreme but bear with me. CSS Grid is going to be the standard layout module for the web, so you might as well start using it today. And while you can take the time to build fall backs for older browsers to create…
