From the course: CRM Basics: Unlock Business Growth through Relationships

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Tell your reporting story

Tell your reporting story

- All the numbers in the world fall flat without a story to help us understand them. Today, you're going to learn why storytelling, even in reporting, is so important, plus how to do it well. First, think of these three key components, the data you're collecting, the narrative you'll create, and the visuals to support it all. The CRM system you're buying, building, or putting together on your own, should store that data. What's next is the narrative and who you're sharing it with. Make sure you know your audience. Whether you're pitching a plan to leadership, you're reporting on a campaign to the rest of your team, or you're helping roll out some new goals and need a report to justify why, knowing your audience is going to be incredibly important. And the final piece is your visuals. Adding your reports to a dashboard helps you visualize your data and tell your story. Dashboards give you and your team a holistic overview of many reports, keeping your visuals simple to understand. If…
