From the course: CRM Basics: Unlock Business Growth through Relationships

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Measure what matters

Measure what matters

- You can't improve what you don't measure. However, focused metrics are critical to efficient reporting. Right now, you have access to more data in seconds than your ancestor had in their entire lives. That helps you make informed decisions more quickly and with more confidence than ever before. That's no surprise. However, it's also no surprise that with so much information at your fingertips, you may find it difficult to decide what to focus on. Learning how to measure what matters will help you create a more successful CRM strategy. Here are a few metrics you should monitor to measure the success of your CRM. First, outreach attempts. How many emails or phone calls are you making to engage a contact? How many emails does it take to book that first meeting? Set up your CRM to track activities like calls and emails so that you can create a report to visualize that journey. Next, time to close. How long, measured in days or weeks, does it take to close a lead? Now this metric…
