From the course: CRM Basics: Unlock Business Growth through Relationships

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Define the sales process

Define the sales process

- What makes a good CRM? You might be thinking, gathering as many leads as possible and putting them into a spreadsheet. Here's my thought on it. A good CRM is only as good as your sales process. Hot take? Perhaps. I want to share tips on defining your sales process so you can set up a deal pipeline with stages that make sense, along with customer journey stages, so you can track the progress of your prospects with purpose. First, consider the prospect's journey. I'll call this their life cycle stage. A human interacts with your brand. Maybe they saw your post on LinkedIn. Perhaps they searched online for an answer to a problem they were having, and they found your website. Or maybe they connected with you through a referral. Whatever the case, at this point, without qualifications, they're simply a lead. If you have a marketing person or team, at this point, they should be looking at this lead to see if they're a good fit for your business. Do they match the personas you've all set…
