From the course: CRM Basics: Unlock Business Growth through Relationships

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Build seamless automations

Build seamless automations

- You go to an event and meet 10 new people. Each person gives you a business card. You write notes on the cards about your interactions and go back to the office. What happens to those business cards? Do you remember to follow up a couple of days later? At this point, because you're socializing, you've met another 20 people and you forget who's on your follow-up list. Instead of losing track, create automation to email prospects, set tasks, and set reminders to connect on social media, and it's all just a click or two away after putting the contact info into your CRM database. That's the beauty of a CRM with automation, and here are three examples. First, following up after an initial call or meeting. An immediate email thanks them for their time and recaps your conversation. In this email, include a link for a follow-up meeting and ask them a clarifying question if relevant. Now this helps make a second connection. Then schedule a task to connect with them on social media. Two to…
