From the course: CRM Basics: Unlock Business Growth through Relationships

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Build basic sales reports

Build basic sales reports

- Ensuring efficient, effective sales processes that build your business comes down to consistent reporting. While there's really no end to the types of reports you could build, honing in on some of the most valuable insights will help you focus, so you can scale strategically. Here are six basic sales reports you should build in your CRM. First, a sales performance report that provides an overview of the sales team's performance. Be sure to include total sales revenue, number of new customers and average deal product or service value. This report will also track individual sales rep performance to help identify top performers and areas for improvement. Next, a sales forecast report. This report predicts future sales revenue based on current sales trends and historical data. It helps you and your team plan sales and marketing activities, allocate resources and set revenue targets for the team. Third, a pipeline report will help track the progress of potential deals through the sales…
