From the course: CRM Basics: Unlock Business Growth through Relationships

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Build a customer-centric CRM

Build a customer-centric CRM

- Every person wants to feel seen and heard, even when they're buying a product. Imagine you're a customer buying a product or a service. Anytime you connect with someone at the company you're working with, you have to re-explain your needs, your preferences, and your story. Frustrating, I know, I've felt this when working with a business who should know me from early interactions all the way into sales and customer service. Repeating myself and knowing they have this data somewhere makes it feel like I'm a faceless dollar sign to them. You don't want that for your customers. That's why a customer-centric CRM helps you see them. As you collect data on your contacts, like browsing and purchase history, feedback, and communication with your company, you'll better understand their behaviors and preferences. When setting up your CRM, ensuring all this data connects, is critical. Accessing information across the contact company and deal or opportunity records will mean everyone can see…
