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Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator

- [Instructor] Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard for vector graphics. And usually the core of any design project at the start of them, right? You're going to make your logos, your different assets. Your illustrations, all your branding elements. And the cool thing is this is vector based. So if I scale up graphics, there's no quality loss. Scale it down, no quality loss. It's all stored as math basically so it's just saying, hey this circle. This is a circle, and it is black. And so that's what's being stored. Usually means these files are smaller. So now let's get into some of the greatest hits with the really fun tools that you can work with in Illustrator. I'm going to go down to the Star Tool. Selecting that, I'm going to make sure that there's just a stroke. And if I zoom in what I really want to do is I want to just add kind of like a badge behind this circle. So I'm going to use the star. I'm just…
