From the course: Creative Cloud Crash Course

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Adobe Express

Adobe Express

- [Instructor] I'm excited to share with you Adobe Express. It's a web and mobile app for quickly creating social content, banners, flyers, and video thumbnails, just to name a few. And it comes with thousands of professionally designed templates. A lot going on here. I can easily jump in and look at these categories, and even search through these templates. I want to just search for travel. I get almost 1000 results. And I just want to make an Instagram post promoting California. And I really like this image right here, this layout. So that's what I'm going to start with. So I'm going to select Remix this template. Now, everything's really intuitive in here. In fact, if I just want to change the text, it's just a matter of double tapping and then jumping in and changing the text. Click done. There it is. I can un-group those assets because I happen to have this text, and then this shape behind it, which I can…
