From the course: Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

Why telling a customer what you can do is important

- After a tiresome day of travel involving long delays, I got to my hotel and found that the hotel had an oversale situation. I remember just dropping my bag right there at the desk. I was so frustrated and I was ready to put up a fuss. But before I could say anything, the employee went on, "We've taken the liberty to book you a king room with a competitor, 1 1/2 miles away. We've also arranged for dinner and two cocktails on us. Our shuttle can take you now." My attitude defrosted and I looked forward to a free dinner and cocktails. In this course, we're looking at how you can reframe challenging conversations with customers by putting a positive slant on your approach and your words. You'll see how a mere apology can create calm. I'll introduce you to what I call the "What else?" focus, so you can give customers helpful information to make them feel heard and taken care of. Plus, we'll talk about how empathy and what's known as pacing, can show customers you're on their side. My name is Myra Golden and for more than 20 years, through my workshops, I've helped customer service professionals just like you. Join me in this LinkedIn Learning course and learn exactly how to foster positive conversations in challenging situations.
