From the course: Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

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When you can't give the customer what they want

When you can't give the customer what they want

- Sometimes, well, a lot of the time, you can't give customers what they want. You have to provide them a firm no, and this can be challenging when they're trying to resolve the issue. This is why I like to guide my clients to say no using the Feel, Felt, Found method. Here's an example. I was working with a client that sells food products. A frequent question they get from customers is, "What ingredients are in this yogurt?" When a customer asks for ingredients, it's usually because they or one of their children has a food allergy, and they're trying to make sure the product is safe. The problem is my clients can't give the entire ingredient list because that would be like giving away their secret sauce. All of their products list all ingredients known to have an allergic reaction to some people. For example, peanuts always would be listed on the label if the are in the product. But when a customer asks for a full…
