From the course: Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

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Use partnership language with customers

Use partnership language with customers

- I teach verbal aikido as an approach to handling difficult customers. One of the principles of the martial art aikido is to not see the person you're fighting as an enemy or opponent. Aikido masters see the other person as their partner. They see the other person as a partner because they know they can use something from the person to help them be successful. They'll blend with the person's energy or use a person's movements against them. Conversations with difficult customers work the same way. The customer is your partner. They're your partner in the sense that you both have the same goal. You both want to get to the bottom of the problem. They're also your partner in the sense that you can pivot off of their energy and speak directly to their concerns. And the easiest way for you to do that is for you to take something they've said and then flip it into something positive. Here are three situations where you can do…
