From the course: Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

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Start, stop, continue exercise

Start, stop, continue exercise

- As we wrap up, I'd like you to set goals based on what you've learned. Grab something to write with, or use the notebook feature to type out the following. I'd like you to write down these three words: start, stop, and continue. Now, write down one thing you'll start doing as a result of something you've learned in this training. Next, what's one thing you commit to stop doing? Perhaps you've learned that there's something holding you back from creating positive conversations with difficult customers. Write down that one thing. Finally, what's one thing you will continue to do? There are plenty of things you're already doing that help you facilitate positive interactions in challenging situations. Reinforce what you're doing by writing it down. This simple start, stop, continue exercise is a fantastic way to capture your biggest takeaways, and it can inspire you to apply what you've learned. If you find that you need…
