From the course: Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

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Positively prime customers

Positively prime customers

- Before we get into this lesson, I want you to fill in the blanks. I'll give you the first and last letter of a word. Complete this word while I fluff up my fro. Did you say hair? Okay, let's try that again. Just as I came to talk to you, a loud truck pulled up right outside my window. Did you say hear this time? This is called priming. When you're exposed to a stimulus, a word, a color, a picture, it influences how you respond. Present positive primers to your customers and you increase the chance of them accepting your word as final. One of my clients is a water utility. In this county, when a person moves and leaves an outstanding balance, the debt stays with the water meter. When someone else moves into that house, they discover they have to pay the past due bill before they can turn their water on, and they're mad. The agent could say "The debt is attached to the meter. Regardless who accrued the debt, ABC…
