From the course: Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

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Politely distancing from hot topics

Politely distancing from hot topics

- A friend told me that over lunch, his boss said, "Not to get political, but what do you think of the president pulling the troops out of Afghanistan??" The very question makes things political and it has the potential of significant awkwardness, not just for lunch, but for the relationship. You may have customers that bring up hot topics about masks, vaccines, your company's support of a particular interest, like Black Lives Matter or Pride month, for example. You don't want to get caught up discussing a hot topic, just like my friend didn't want to go there with his boss. Here's how you distance yourself from hot topics with customers. Listen more than you talk. This tip will keep you out of a lot of polarizing conversations. Let your customer do most of the talking when it comes to hot topics. Your listening will validate them and you may not need to say much all. When you speak, say things like, "Hmm, okay, I…
