From the course: Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

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Issues with billing or customer rewards

Issues with billing or customer rewards

- Billing issues are among the most serious customer complaints, because you're dealing with people's money. The way you handle billing issues can make or break a relationship with a customer. Pricing mistakes, not applying discounts, and failing to assign rewards points are all billing mistakes. With billing issues, it's not usually the mistake that gets you in trouble. Customers know mistakes will happen, it's how you handle the issue. Here are three ways to handle billing complaints better. First, thank the customer. When customers tell you about a billing problem, it's like they're pleading with you to get it right. They want you to fix the problem and make it okay for them to keep doing business with you. Thank customers for giving you a chance to fix billing problems. Thanks for giving us a chance to fix this, or thanks for bringing this to our attention. Second, don't challenge the customer. I was behind a…
