From the course: Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

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Ask your customers "what else?"

Ask your customers "what else?"

- I was planning new-hire training with my team. Orientation manuals were assembled. Meals were planned. Name badges made and the agenda was set. We were ready. And then my boss, Allison, asked "What would make this training even better?" I thought we'd covered everything. But someone said, "What if we call the first day, Happy Hour? We're starting at 5:00 PM. We could serve punch and appetizers and let the new hires enjoy a meet and greet before we get started." We ran with this idea and scrapped going right into boring lectures on the first evening. It looked like a real happy hour, with our new hires relaxed and having fun. We never would've achieved this if someone hadn't asked, "What else?" You can create positive conversations with your customers, even in difficult situations by asking yourself, what else might be helpful here? Here are three ways asking what else can help you. Use what else to manage…
