From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

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Responding to workplace discrimination

Responding to workplace discrimination

From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

Responding to workplace discrimination

- It's an unfortunate truth that LGBTQ+ employees often face hostility, unfair treatment, and at worst, wrongful termination, simply because of who they are. Let's talk about how to identify when an LGBTQ+ employee is being discriminated against and how to take action when necessary. One of the first signs of discrimination is when someone is being treated differently from every other employee. This could manifest in various different ways, such as body language, selective jokes, dismissive behavior, or microaggressions. Microaggressions are subtle behaviors that communicate hostility, derogatory attitudes or negative stereotypes towards marginalized people. Here are some examples. When people make jokes or comments that trivialize or mock LGBTQ+ identities or experiences. When invasive or inappropriate questions are asked about a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, specifically their transition status or anatomy. When someone purposefully uses incorrect pronouns or…
