From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

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Equitable workplace policies

Equitable workplace policies

- We've all got to work in order to earn a livable wage. Despite our differences, this is our common ground in the workplace. Another commonality we share, we are all deserving of equal opportunities in our professional pursuits. Discriminatory practices that target LGBTQ+ professionals are contradictory to this core principle of equality. So let's talk about how we can address these inequities, starting with anti-discrimination policy. If there aren't clear rules and regulations against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression written into your company's employee handbook, it's time to update the policy immediately. This is the first line of defense in terms of ensuring our LGBTQ+ colleagues are protected against harassment and discrimination at work. These policies should be crystal clear and everyone needs to be made aware of them. Plus, don't forget, there should be an easy pathway to report any harassment or discrimination, as well as quick…
