From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

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Defining LGBTQ+ equity

Defining LGBTQ+ equity

- Being an LGBTQ+ person in the workforce can come with its own set of obstacles. And when employees are disadvantaged because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity, it's worse than just unfair. It impedes on workplace productivity and alienates LGBTQ+ employees, creating a toxic and non-inclusive work environment. That's why LGBTQ+ equity is so important for everyone at work to be aware of. Oftentimes, people have different needs from one another based on their different backgrounds. This is what distinguishes the concept of equity from baseline equality. Equality means that each individual or group of people that's treated the same way, but equity focuses in on the particular necessities of each individual or group so that everyone is equipped with what they need to succeed. Racial equity, equity for people with disabilities, socioeconomic class equity, LGBTQ+s equity, each are different from one another. And for employees from these diverse backgrounds to thrive…
