From the course: Creating and Giving Business Presentations

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Using breather slides for interaction

Using breather slides for interaction

- Imagine you are climbing a steep hill. Your legs are burning, you're out of breath, and just when you think you can't go any further, you reach a flat stretch. You catch your breath, take in the scenery, regain your energy, and brace yourself for what's next. In the world of presentations, breather slides are that flat stretch. They're your audience's moment to catch their breath and process what they've just been told. But here's the issue. Most presentations are a relentless uphill climb, packed with data, ideas, and arguments without that crucial resting spot. The result: overwhelmed and disengaged audiences. So think about the power of a pause. A breather slide is a strategically placed within your presentation to give your audience a moment of relief from a continuous flow of information. It can be a simple image, a quote, a question, or even a blank slide. My personal preference is for a blank slide with just your logo in the middle. This really gives a sense of pause, of…
