From the course: Creating and Giving Business Presentations

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Creative alternatives to bullet points in presentations

Creative alternatives to bullet points in presentations

From the course: Creating and Giving Business Presentations

Creative alternatives to bullet points in presentations

- You all know too well the feeling of sitting in a room that's too warm after lunch with a full tummy, and watching the presenter slowly read out 20 slides with lots of text and bullet points. It's more snooze inducing than engaging, visual boredom that creates audience disengagement. Presentations are a visual medium, and bullet points belong in the printed or written medium like documents. Bullet points can encourage reading from the slides rather than listening to the speaker, but we still do it. I'd argue that it's because for more than 30 years, PowerPoint has been showing us on every slide template this message of click to add text with a bullet point next to it. It's safe to say we've been conditioned. Ideally, we'd have no bullet points, but sometimes we need to show a list of things. I want to show you some really simple ways we can replace bullet points with visual elements that will improve the look and feel of your presentation, but also make it more engaging for your…
