From the course: Creating and Giving Business Presentations

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Choose images that speak for your presentation

Choose images that speak for your presentation

From the course: Creating and Giving Business Presentations

Choose images that speak for your presentation

- [Instructor] We've all suffered from a presentation full of cheesy stock images. You know the ones I mean. At best, they make your audience bored, and at worst, they destroy the credibility of the message and you as the presenter. I don't about you, but I've never done that in an office in all my many years of working. By investing a relatively short amount of time in finding emotive and powerful images, we can take our message from great to mind blowing. This video will help you understand how to search for, choose, and maybe even edit an image for maximum impact. By using the word "authentic" after our main image keyword, we can find some great images. Let's look at an example. If we go into an image library and type in "authentic" meeting, we'll see images like this. Now we start to get images that look a lot more like the kind of meetings that I find myself in. These images will help my audience better connect to the topic and me as the presenter. They look like the kind of…
