From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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The PDF remediation workflow

The PDF remediation workflow

- [Instructor] In this video, I wanted to talk for a few minutes about the PDF Remediation Workflow or at least about the possible workflow options that we have when our goal is to create an accessible PDF file. Now I've created this chart to kind of demonstrate the two main options that we have. Up here at the very top, you can see I'm starting with a source document, and it's important for us to understand that regardless of where your PDF or what PDF file you have open, it always came from somewhere else. It always came from some source document somewhere. And so, what I'm doing is I'm dividing the workflow into whether we're starting with the source document or we're not. So if we have the source document, the idea is, in this workflow, we add properties to the source file and that source file could be Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe InDesign, whatever the source file is, some applications, such as the…
