From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Testing with a screen reader

Testing with a screen reader

- [Instructor] One of the most common questions that I get asked by users is how will this be read by a screen reader? Well, that's a really good question. And my answer is always, have you tested the document using a screen reader? There's no way to verify the experience for the end user better than to actually test the document using assistive technology. So if you're ever in doubt, test the document. In this video, we'll read the document that we've been remediating to see what the experience will be. I'm going to begin by opening NBDA on my computer. Now I've chosen to use NBDA because it's a free tool, although they do recommend a donation, but you can also test the document using JAWS, which is equally as important. So I'm going to go ahead and launch NBDA on my computer. (program ringing) - [Automated Voice] Two trees, Olive Oil, 2021 M. - [Instructor] So I've stopped the reading just so I…
