From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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PDF accessibility requirements

PDF accessibility requirements

From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

PDF accessibility requirements

- [Instructor] Not all PDF files are created equal. This is important to understand. And although we're going to be relying on accessibility checkers to check our documents, we as humans need to impart our knowledge to ensure that a document is truly compliant. Let me show you a couple of examples here. In the chapter two folder, I have two files, one called 02_02_good and 02_02_bad. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to run both of these through the PAC checker, and you can see that the good file is fully compliant. And if I drag the bad file over here, you can see that the bad file is also fully compliant. Well, what makes one good, and what makes one bad? Well, I'm going to start by opening up the good file. And if I go to the tag structure here, you can see that my document contains heading levels indicating where there are headings. And you'll notice that I have a caption for the figure. And essentially my document,…
