From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Layout considerations and setup

Layout considerations and setup

From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

Layout considerations and setup

- [Instructor] One of the things you'll hear me say over and over in this course, is that you need to use the features built into the source application that you're using in order to achieve success when creating accessible PDF files from those documents. In the case of Word, you want to honor the natural top to bottom flow of content that Word uses. This will ensure that your content is tagged in the correct order when you export to the PDF. When it comes to images, it's important that you anchor the image to the text, and then you can use the layout button here to control how the figure or the image is going to interact with the text next to it. Within Word, I'm also going to recommend that you turn on a few things to help you and set you up for success. If you come over here to the home tab, I like to always turn on my hidden characters button, because to me, this gives me the Cliff Notes into the document. It…
