From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Defining PowerPoint tag order

Defining PowerPoint tag order

From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

Defining PowerPoint tag order

- [Instructor] Once you have the headings established in your document, you now need to make sure that you order of those tags is correct in the exported PDF file. PowerPoint gives us control of that. So let's review how to control the tag order from within PowerPoint. I'm going to go ahead and go to the file menu and choose save as, and I'm going to save this as a PDF file. And I'll go ahead and call this the finish version. (computer mouse clicks) Now, if I open that file in Acrobat, and I open up my tags pane, and I start looking at the order, you can see that on this first slide, it's reading the figure and then the heading, on the second slide it's reading the figure, then the title, then the bullets. On the next slide it's reading the chart, and then the title, right? So everything's really out of order. It's not the way I want it to be. So I'm going to close this PDF file, and I'm going to go back to…
