From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Checking color contrast

Checking color contrast

- [Narrator] Ensuring the text elements in your document have sufficient contrast is a key requirement for ensuring that low vision users are able to read text in the document. Let's take a look at a few methods we can use to check color contrast. Now, one of the things that I want to point out here, as we are working on a PDF file, is that checking the color contrast at this point in the process is really too late because the cake is already baked, so to speak. The PDF file has already been generated and if, at this point we do determine that we do not have sufficient contrast, it's really hard to fix at this point. So my advice to you is check the color contrast as early on in the process as possible. You really want to be doing this as you're building the document in the source application. Now, a tool that I'd like to reference you to is one that's called the Color Contrast Analyzer, and this is made by TPGi and it's a…
