From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Add alternative text

Add alternative text

- [Instructor] When a PDF document is read by assistive technology, images and graphics inherently have no value. Images and graphics can't be read because they typically don't contain any real content. To overcome this limitation, we need to add alternative text to those graphics to describe their purpose. Alternative text is covered in the WCAG success criteria 1.1.1 and the PDF techniques for WCAG in item number one, and in PDF/UA checkpoint 13. One of the things you're going to notice if you run the Accessibility Check in Acrobat is that we're going to get some errors here for alternate text. And there are a number of figures in my document that contain no alternate text. So we need to fix that problem. To do that, we can accomplish it a couple of different ways. One way is using the reading order panel. So I'm going to go ahead and go to page one and I'm going to open up my reading order panel. And if I click on…
