From the course: Creating a Poster with Adobe Mobile Apps

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Creating the poster

Creating the poster

- [Instructor] So in the previous movie we introduced Comp as an application and added a few simple elements to this layout. Now we're going to go ahead and add some more. So we're going to add a frame for some content, and this frame is going to be circular. And let's draw it with our fingers. If we draw a circle and then put diagonal lines inside of it, which sometimes can be a bit tricky, there you go, it will create us a circular frame ready for content. And just so you know, with any selected item in Comp, if you draw a plus, it will create another identical piece of content. And furthermore, if you just go across it like so, it will erase that content. Neat, huh? Anyway, I'm going to select this frame, then go down to the bottom here, and tap on the image icon. And this time I'm going to import from the Creative Cloud files. So I'm going to go into the exercise files and choose this bass Cajon picture here, like…
