From the course: Creating a Poster with Adobe Mobile Apps

Creating a library

- [Narrator] I'm here in Adobe Capture and what we really need to do to start off with, before we start making anything, is to have something that will store the assets that we make. Now, there are a number of places that you can create a Creative Cloud library, but here inside of Capture, where we'll be working for the majority of this course, seems like as good a place as any. Now, at the very top of the screen here on the iPad, it's very similar on the phone, you will see My Library. And if I tap just there, you'll see all of the libraries that I currently have. I'm going to tap the plus to add a new library, and I'm just going to call this one Mobile Poster, just here, of course. You can name yours however you choose. But that's the one I'll be using for these assets. Tap Create, and immediately, that will start syncing with Creative Cloud. So Creative Cloud will know that there's a library there, and it will push it to everywhere that you connect with Creative Cloud, ready for the assets that you're going to make.
