From the course: Create Inclusive Content: Identifying and Preventing Racism in Your Marketing

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Propagating blackface

Propagating blackface

- Centuries ago, white actors would do comedic performances of blackness in what were known as minstrel shows in the U.S. This is when white actors who dressed in exaggerated costumes would use shoe polish, paint, or burnt cork to paint on enlarged lips and darken their skin color. This is what's known as the portrayal of blackface. These minstrel shows played a significant role in perpetuating racist attitudes and reinforcing discriminatory practices against Black individuals. Blackface is steeped in centuries of racism. It peaked in popularity in the U.S. during a time when recently emancipated enslaved Black individuals demanded civil rights. Blackface was used as a way to stereotype Black individuals as lazy, ignorant, and prone to thievery, and also as a way to continue to dehumanize them. Unfortunately, blackface can still be found in today's marketplace. One example is a designer fashion brand that sold a specific black turtleneck sweater. The collar of the sweater pulled up…
