From the course: Conducting Remote Research Sessions

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Conduct the research

Conduct the research

- [Instructor] I always recommend that once you're all ready to go but before your first research session, perhaps two hours prior, you do a recording dry run. Start a session. Have a coworker or an observer join your meeting and start the recording. Speak for a bit. Share your webcams. And if screen sharing is a part of your study, have the observer share their screen and do some activity while the screen is being shared. Then stop your session and wait for the recording to render. This may take some time but probably not too long when only a short session. Once rendered, check your recording. Listen to the audio, make sure that webcam images are captured and everything in the recording seems appropriate. If things don't go according to plan, this is your time to troubleshoot and get it right before the actual session starts. I also highly recommend that you check the recordings at regular intervals between sessions…
