From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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What is a computer?

What is a computer?

- [Instructor] When using the word computer in the context of this training course, I'm referring to the entire package of everything you need to actually accomplish tasks. Some people refer to a computer as just the actual unit housing the main components of the hard drive, processor, memory, and so on. But to you use a computer you also need a monitor so you can see what you're doing. Some computers like notebook computers or all-in-one computers have built-in monitors but it's important not to confuse the monitor with the computer itself. The monitor is also called the display and doesn't do any of the work of processing. It simply displays the computer's interface, which is still an essential component of the entire system. You'll also need a keyboard and a mouse so you can enter text and commands and control the computer. You often need speakers or headphones so you can hear the sounds your computer makes. Some computers…
