From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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Understand networks and internet access

Understand networks and internet access - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

Understand networks and internet access

- [Instructor] In the context of discussing computers, a network is basically two or more computers or peripheral devices such as printers or scanners connected to and communicating with each other. Technically, one computer connecting to another computer is considered a very basic network. More often though, computers and other devices on the network communicate through a device called a router. A router handles and manages all the network traffic, which is essentially the data being passed from one device to another and it ensures that the right data gets to the right device. Now, you may have heard of other devices called switches or hubs, which operate similarly to a router but with a little less sophistication and capabilities. I'm not going to get into the specific details here and for simplicity's sake, I'm going to refer to the network management device as the router even though I could also say hub or switch, depending…
