From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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Understand email servers and clients

Understand email servers and clients - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

Understand email servers and clients

- [Instructor] If you're using a computer with an internet connection, you almost certainly have acquired or have been given an email address. In this chapter, we're going to look at the basics of email. Let's start with a quick overview of what email is and how it works. Emails are electronic text-based messages you send and receive either through the website of your email hosting service or through a dedicated email software program called an email client. When you want to send an email to someone you need to know their email address. You then compose a message using your email client or through your email provider's website. Your email can be plain text, but you can also include attachments like photos and short audio or video files. When you're done composing your email, you click send, which sends your email through your email provider's server. Your email service provider's servers look at the address of the…
