From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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How to open and save files

How to open and save files

- [Instructor] Just about any time you work in an application in which you are creating, editing, or otherwise modifying some kind of content, you'll be producing and saving your work as files. For example, when you type up a report in a word processor, the report is saved as an individual file, which you can then reopen in the application to continue working on it. Or, if you're editing a video you shot of a concert, you're saving that video project as a file as well. So, it's important to understand the basic concepts involved in opening and saving files. For this example, I'm going to open up a built-in application called Notepad. I'll go to my Start menu, to Windows Accessories, and here we'll find Notepad. Now, in some programs, to create a new document or other project file, you need to choose File, New. But, I already have this one open, so I'll just work with it. I'll just type a few words here. Now, any time…
