From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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Connect to Wi-Fi (wireless) networks

Connect to Wi-Fi (wireless) networks - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

Connect to Wi-Fi (wireless) networks

- [Instructor] A wireless network is a network to which properly-equipped computers can connect via radio signal instead of physical cables. Wireless networks are commonly called Wi-Fi networks and are usually the main way for laptop users to connect to the internet when out and about with their computers. Like a regular wired network, a Wi-Fi network does not necessarily have to offer internet access, although internet access is probably the most common reason people set up Wi-Fi networks. These days you can find wireless internet or Wi-Fi signals just about anywhere, in homes, offices, hotels, and restaurants. All you need to connect to a Wi-Fi network is a computer with Wi-Fi capabilities, whether it's built in or through a Wi-Fi adapter you can plug into your computer. But one thing to bear in mind is that most wireless networks are often password protected, or in the case of Wi-Fi networks you find in hotels or…
