From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Understanding the right-click

Understanding the right-click - macOS Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

Understanding the right-click

- [Instructor] An essential part in learning to become proficient when it comes to using a computer is to learn the right-click. The term right-click refers to the button found on the right side of a mouse with two or more buttons. This is also referred to as the secondary click button in some cases, but it's almost always just called the right-click button. Generally, if you're right-handed, you click the left button of the mouse with your right index finger. This is the mouse's main button that allows you to select items, double-click things, or even fire lasers at enemies and video games, but both the Mac operating system and most applications you use have special shortcuts and menus that will appear when you click items with the right mouse button. For example, in a previous movie, we saw that you can empty the trash by choosing Finder, Empty Trash. But another way to do it is simply to right-click on the trash and choose Empty Trash from the menu that appears or right-clicking…
