From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Understanding the operating system

Understanding the operating system - macOS Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

Understanding the operating system

- [Instructor] You've probably heard the term operating system before, but you might not be exactly sure what it means. Essentially, your computer's operating system is the software that manages how you interact with the computer, how the programs on the computer use and access the computer's hardware, and is a big part of how your computer behaves and performs. You can think of the operating system as the main program that runs and manages all the other programs on your computer. It's the backbone of your computer and the most important program because it controls everything that goes in and out of your computer, from allocating memory to programs, to copying files from one drive to another, to receiving commands from your keyboard and mouse, to telling you the time of day. You can't use a computer without an operating system. Usually, the operating system comes pre-installed on your computer, but if you've had your computer for a few years, you may want or need to upgrade your…
