From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Understanding files and folders

Understanding files and folders - macOS Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

Understanding files and folders

- [Tutor] One of the most important concepts to understand when working with computers is the system for organizing, storing, and locating your files and applications. In this context, the term file refers to a single item, such as a word-processing document, a photo, a video clip, a song, and so on. Applications are the programs you run on your computer, which often use, interact with, or create the file stored on your computer. Another term you'll frequently hear is folder. A folder is sometimes referred to as a directory, but I think folder makes more sense, because it's easy to understand the concept of storing files within folders. In fact, everything you interact with on your computer is stored in a hierarchy of folders. You can have folders nested within other folders, and files stored throughout those nested folders. If it helps, you can think of your hard drive as one big master folder, or even a filing cabinet, where all the other folders are stored, accessed and arranged…
