From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Reply vs. Reply All

Reply vs. Reply All

- [Narrator] This is going to be a brief but important video on the difference and etiquette of Reply versus Reply All when responding to email messages. Every email client gives you the ability to reply to a message by clicking either Reply or Reply All. But the difference between these two options only matters when you're just one of multiple recipients of an email. If you're the only recipient of an email, you can click either Reply or Reply All with no difference. But if you received an email that was addressed to people in addition to yourself, and you'll know this if you see other addresses in the To or CC fields, like we see here, you'll want to click reply to send your response only to the sender of the original email. So you can see I click Reply and only the original sender's address ends up in the To field. If you need or want the rest of the recipients to receive your reply as well, you can click Reply All. Now, in some email clients like Mail, you can actually find the…
