From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Receiving and reading email

Receiving and reading email - macOS Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

Receiving and reading email

- [Narrator] In this video, I'd like to touch on the basics of receiving and reading email. In a previous video, we learned about the path an email follows to get from the sender's computer to the recipients. Now, once an email arrives on your computer, depending on the email client you're using, there are usually a couple of options available for reading and managing your messages. For this example, I'm using macOS's Mail program, but pretty much everything I show you here applies to other email clients as well. So first of all, when new email arrives, it ends up in your inbox by default. You'll usually see some notification of how many new messages you have. For example, here I have my inbox selected. I can see the number three here, indicating I have three new messages, and this lists all of my email messages here in this panel. Notice there are three messages with blue dots next to them. The blue dots indicate these are new email messages. So with your inbox selected, you could…
