From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Printing your documents

Printing your documents - macOS Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

Printing your documents

- [Instructor] When you go to print a document from your Mac, you'll find there are several print options available. Some options you see will be specific to whichever brand and model of printer you have and to which application you're printing from, while other options are standard, regardless of the printer you're using. In this video, we'll take a look at some of these common print options. Currently, I have a TextEdit document open. The contents of the document really aren't important. I just need a document open that we can use to show how to print. So I'm going to choose File, Print, and that opens up this dialogue box. Now at the top here, we have the Printer menu where you can select which printer you want to print to. You should see any printers you've set up or which are connected to your network here, and just select the one you want to use. Below that, we have a Preset menu where you can select any custom printer settings you might have previously saved. I'll leave that…
